Smart Drums Garageband Ipad

Jul 03, 2012  If you also choose to put down drums first, use your example from yesterday’s tip (“Record a killer Smart Drums track with GarageBand for iPad“). Or you can add a quick drum loop that. How To Import Audio Files Into GarageBand for iPad Importing audio files in GarageBand: why do that? Let’s say you or your students have created an audio file in another app or software program – maybe on a laptop even – and now you want to import that audio file into GarageBand because you’d like to use the Smart Drums to add a backing. When you first launch GarageBand for iPad you see an Instruments screen where you swipe through a variety of options including Keyboard, Drums, Smart Drums, Smart Bass, Smart Keyboard, Smart.

GarageBand User Guide for iPad

Using the Drums Touch Instrument, you can play a drum kit simply by tapping the onscreen drums. You can choose either an acoustic or electronic drum kit.

Choose a drum kit

  • Tap the name of the drum kit at the top of the screen, then tap the drum kit you want to play. You can also swipe left or right to change to the previous or next drum kit.

    Acoustic drum kits show a realistic-looking set of drums, and electronic drum kits show a grid of drum pads.

    You can access an acoustic or electronic drum kit directly from the browser by tapping Acoustic Drums or Electronic Drums.

Play the drums in the drum kit

  • Tap the onscreen drums (for electronic kits, drum pads).

    Some drums, such as the hi-hat and snare drum, make different sounds when you tap different parts of them. To see which sounds they make, tap the Info button to show the coaching tips. Some drums also respond to other gestures.

    Touching and holding a drum with two (or more) fingers plays a repeating pattern. By changing the distance between your fingers, you can make the repeats faster or slower. Moving a finger up or down makes the repeats play louder or softer.

Record a drum groove

  1. Tap the Record button in the control bar.

  2. Tap the drums in the drum kit.

    You can record one or more drums at a time. When the playhead starts over from the beginning of the section, you can record another part and it will be merged with the existing parts. You can turn off merging in the Track controls.

  3. When you finish, tap the Play button in the control bar to stop recording. Tap Play again to hear the drum groove.

Play the crash cymbal and bass drum together

By default, when you tap the crash cymbal on the acoustic drums kit, the bass drum plays together with the cymbal. You can set whether tapping the crash cymbal plays both sounds, or only the cymbal.

  1. Tap the Track Controls button in the control bar, tap Track Settings, then tap Recording.

  2. Tap the “Bass Drum with Cymbal” switch to turn it on or off.

Adjust the touch sensitivity of the drums

You can set the touch sensitivity for the drums to one of four levels. Increasing the touch sensitivity makes hits sound louder or softer depending on how hard you tap the drums. If you turn touch sensitivity off, all notes sound the same regardless of how hard you tap the drums.

  1. Tap the Track Controls button in the control bar, tap Track Settings, then tap Velocity Sensitivity.

  2. Tap the sensitivity level you want to use for the drums.

Save your own custom drum sounds

  1. Modify an existing drum sound by adjusting the control knobs (for electronic drum kits only).

  2. Tap the name of the drum kit at the top of the screen, then tap Save.

  3. Type a name for your custom sound, then tap Done.

    The first time you save a custom sound, a new Custom category appears, with an icon for your sound. You can rename or delete the sound by tapping Edit, then tapping the icon (to rename the sound) or the red circle (to delete the sound).

GarageBand User Guide for iPad

You can quickly create drum grooves with Smart Drums. Simply drag drums into the grid and position them to set the complexity and intensity of each drum part. After you record a drum groove, you can make changes and preview the changes before re-recording the drum groove.

Open the Smart Drums

  • Tap the Browser button , swipe to the Drums, then tap the Smart Drums button.

Choose a drum kit for Smart Drums

  • Tap the drum icon in the upper-left corner, then tap the drum kit you want to play. You can also swipe left or right to change to the previous or next drum kit.

Preview drums in the drum kit

Add drums to the grid

Smart Drums Garageband Ipad Pro

Smart Drums Garageband Ipad
  • Drag a drum into the grid.

    The farther right you place the drum in the grid, the more complex its part; the higher you place it, the louder it plays. You can reposition drums in the grid until you like the part each one plays.

    To stop playback, tap the Power button to turn it off. To clear the grid, tap Reset.

Create a drum groove automatically

  • Tap the Dice button to the left of the grid.

    You can tap the Dice button multiple times to try out different grooves.

Record a drum groove

After you have created a drum groove, you can record it to use in the song.


Smart Drums Garageband Ipad Pro

  1. Tap the Record button in the control bar.

  2. If you drag drums into the grid, change their position, or drag them out of the grid, your changes are recorded as part of the drum groove.

  3. When you finish, tap the Play button in the control bar to stop recording.

Garageband For Ipad App

Edit the drum groove after you record

Garageband Drum Plugins

After you record a drum groove, the grid shows what has been recorded at the current playhead position. For example, if you recorded a snare drum starting at bar 5, moving the playhead to bar 5 (or later) shows the snare in the grid.

Smart Drums Garageband Ipad 1

  • You can edit the recorded drum groove and try out your changes without altering the recording. Playback starts when you add or move drums in the grid so you can hear your edits. To stop playback, tap the Power button to turn it off. To keep your changes, record the groove again.